ISIMIP global water sector paper writing workshop
- ISIMIP global water sector paper writing workshop
- 2022-09-21T00:00:00+02:00
- 2022-09-22T23:59:59+02:00
- This workshop of ISIMIP water modellers aims to work on joint papers (cross-sector and uncertainty analyses).
- When Sep 21, 2022 to Sep 22, 2022 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
- Where Goethe Universität Frankfurt
- Contact Name Hannes Müller Schmied
- Attendees Please register for attending the event.
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Please find a report of the meeting here.
In summer 2018 we hosted a paper writing workshop in Frankfurt and had a very productive joint time. Out of the workshop, a number of scientific outcome in high impact journals have been published. Now, as the ISIMIP3 phase is ongoing and already a number of data submissions are available (or will be in the next time), we would like to invite again for a paper writing workshop in Frankfurt.
The aim is to discuss paper ideas based on ISIMIP data either within the global water sector or with cross-sectoral focus. We encourage contributions with regards to model evaluation, climate impact assessments, attribution studies and any other related field that uses the existing and planned ISIMIP data (also from previous phases if meaningful).
After the paper writing workshop, the symposium “Global Hydrology: 25 years of WaterGAP and beyond” will take place in Frankfurt to which you are invited to attend as well.