Cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop was a full success!
by Martin Park
During this joint activity of the COST Action PROCLIAS and the Intersectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP), the workshop participants discussed the latest data, protocols and simulation experiments of the third phase of ISIMIP, different approaches to climate impact attribution, the challenging task of assessing cross-sectoral climate impacts as well how to communicate best to stakeholders.
The conference also featured high level keynotes by Johan Rockström, Catherine Senior, Jakob Zscheischler, Camille Parmesan and Brian O'Neill as well as a wide range of workshops and activities such as an expert elicitation to find plausible ranges for the hundreds of ISIMIP output variables or a high-level panel discussing the issue of hot climate models in the latest CMIP6 ensemble.
We are grateful to all speakers and participants for making this workshop a great success.
Please find meeting presentations and material here.