Shaping the Future of Forests: Forest Modellers Unite in Potsdam

The TG2.5 Workshop on Country-Scale Forest Modelling was held from September 24-25, 2024, at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).,This hybrid event brought together forest modellers from across Europe to discuss and establish protocols for country-scale forest model simulations as part of the PROCLIAS TG2.5 initiative.

The workshop began with a welcome from Dr. Christopher Reyer, followed by presentations of forest models from various countries. These presentations focused on the capabilities of the models, initial results, and their relevance to cross-country comparisons.

In the afternoon, participants split into break-out groups to discuss paper ideas on topics such as model evaluation, climate change attribution, and ecosystem service projections. The day concluded with a dinner, allowing participants to engage in further discussions in an informal setting.


On the second day, participants focused on discussing model documentation and how to compare different model structures. Input from the ISIMIP data team provided guidance on data formatting and file management. The workshop concluded with discussions on the next steps, including future meetings, potential funding opportunities, and plans for a ‘Topical Collection’ to share the outcomes.

The TG2.5 workshop successfully fostered collaboration among European forest modellers, creating a solid foundation for upcoming country-scale simulations and cross-country comparisons. 

We very much thank EU COST Association and the COST Action CA19139 PROCLIAS for supporting this workshop.