STSM at Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Czech University of Life Sciences, Forestry Faculty

Doroteja Bitunjac, PhD student from Croatian Forest Research Institute, spent one month in Zvolen working with Dr. Ing. Katarína Merganičová on calibration and validation of the Biome-BGCMuSo model for simulations of oak forests in Europe.

by Doroteja Bitunjac

During this STSM, I had the opportunity to work with modelling expert Dr. Ing. Katarína Merganičová, on the biogeochemical model Biome-BGCMuSo calibration and validation processes. I have gained advanced knowledge in process modelling, i.e. parameter sensitivity analysis, generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) calibration method, post-processing of simulated data, multi-objective calibration and optimisation, decision tree algorithms and model validation. Further, my technical skills to handle large datasets and complex file formats have improved, and my experience in R software has built up.

This STSM was closely related to my PhD thesis which is to test the ability of the model Biome-BGCMuSo to estimate carbon stocks and stock changes in the soil in Croatia, therefore this STSM was immensely important and fruitful for the development of my PhD work. Working in person with Katarína was exceptionally beneficial, as I could learn through observing: how to recognize the problem, ways to approach and solve the issues, and visualise and interpret the results of the model.

The highlight of my STSM was the opportunity to present the work to the wider community. Katarína and her colleague and husband Jan Merganič organized a hybrid presentation event which gathered several modelling experts from whom I gained constructive suggestions and ideas for my following work.

In the end, STSM allowed me to form collaborations with researchers and other PhD students from the modelling community which is highly significant for my future research work.


If you are interested in doing an STSM, please find more information here.

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