REGISTER NOW: WG4 Paper Writing workshop - Best practices on addressing typical climate impact stakeholders

A WG4 Paper Writing Workshop will take place on 12th & 13th October 2023 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

Working Group 4 (WG 4) under PROCLIAS brings together scientists and key experts in the field of climate policy support and stakeholder engagement. One of the deliverables of WG4 is to develop strategies for stakeholder engagement within climate impact assessment. To achieve this deliverable, we are hosting a workshop with aim to;

  • Initiate a community effort for documenting the best practices in addressing climate impact stakeholders.
  • Identify case studies of stakeholder engagement in climate impact assessments within PROCLIAS and beyond.
  • Prepare a first draft outlook of the documentation.

In order to have a lively discussion format, we aim for not substantially more than 15 - 20 participants for the workshop. Online attendance maybe possible but limited.


To participate, we kindly request you fill in this form at this link by 10th August 2023. Priority will be given to participants who demonstrate tangible contributions, particularly those with case studies involving stakeholders in climate impact assessments.

Please find more information on the workshop here.