Task Group 1.7: High resolution climate data for ISIMIP3


The goal of the TG is to facilitate the development of high-resolution climate datasets (down to 1 x 1km resolution) and test the effect of using data at different resolutions for climate impact models.

It contributes to the overall challenge of “develop common protocols, harmonized datasets and a joint understanding of how to conduct cross-sectoral, multi-model climate impact studies at regional and global scales allowing for attribution of impacts of recent climatic changes and robust projections of future climate impacts” and more specifically the Secondary objective 2 “Supporting the provision of harmonized datasets for global and regional climate impact simulation studies”.

The 1 x 1km data are direct input for the ISIMIP3b simulations.

Task Group Leader

Dirk Karger


Karger, D. N. et al.: CHELSA-W5E5 v1.0: W5E5 v1.0 downscaled with CHELSA v2.0. ISIMIP Repository.

Karger, D. N.: Coordinating efforts to create kilometer scale climate forcing data for impact models (Virtual Mobility Report)